Centipede Chaos from ICE is the hit 80’s creepy-crawly blasting game that brings the classic arcade feeling back to your location. With its simple joystick controls, wave after wave of enemies and action all over the screen this game feeds into the 80’s nostalgia that the modern player is seeking.
Centipede Chaos features intuitive gameplay, fun power-ups, easy-to-challenging bosses adding excitement and depth to the gameplay that keeps players coming back over and over. Three LED-lit stools with rumble feature provides comfort and encourages the friends to team up and keep continuing the game to defeat the final Spider Boss - all in effort to win the mega ticket bonus.
The huge 75” monitor brings all the action to life. Centipede Chaos is easy to operate and maintain. While the three player positions promotes a healthy cash box. You can operate this skill-based video game on ticket redemption or points to suit your location.
Hurry! Centipede Chaos is now in stock and ready to ship. For more information, please contact Sega on +44 (0)208 391 8090, sales@segaarcade.com or your Local Authorized Sega Distributor.